Our Mandate
The Media, Information and Communication Technologies Sector Education and Training Authority (MICT SETA) is a public entity established in terms of the Skills Development Act, 1998 (Act No. 97 of 1998). The MICT SETA plays a pivotal role in achieving South Africa’s skills development and economic growth within the sub-sectors it operates namely; Advertising, Film and Electronic Media, Electronics, Information Technology and Telecommunications.
The MICT SETA partners with industry, Universities and TVET colleges (both public and private) amongst others in the delivery of respective learning programmes in its endeavour to address identified scarce skills. Its commitment to expand and improve provision of skills development for SMMEs and rural communities contributes towards addressing the requisite skills immeasurably. Credibility of the data used for skills planning and partnering with stakeholders in scoping their skills development needs and priorities remains a priority for the SETA. This ensures effective implementation of demand-driven learning programmes that serve as effective bridges into the world of work.