SETA Funding
Mandatory Grants are paid by the MICT SETA to companies who are eligible to receive funding. They are calculated at 20% of an employer’s 1% skills levy. To claim back the 20% as a mandatory grant employers have to submit a Workplace Skills Plan and an Annual Training Report before 30 April every year. Companies with a wage bill of less than R500 000 do not have to pay this 1% levy.
Criteria for Mandatory grants:
In order for the levy paying employers to qualify to receive the mandatory grants, they have to meet the following criteria:
- Be an up-to-day levy-payer that is registered in terms of the Skills Development Levies Act.
- Employ a skills development facilitator (SDF).
- The WSP and ATR are submitted by the required deadline.
- The WSP for the previous reporting period has been submitted and implemented
Discretionary grants
Discretionary grants are paid out at the discretion of SETA management for skills development projects linked to scarce and critical skills (sector priority occupations). Discretionary grant funding is focused on Professional, Vocational, Technical and Academic Learning (PIVOTAL) programmes. However grants can be paid out to both PIVOTAL and Non-PIVOTAL programmes according to the MICT SETA policy. The MICT SETA annually makes aware its stakeholder of the submission period. This is through the MICT SETA website.