Strategic Sectors

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The MICT SETA is made up of five subsectors that are interrelated but also distinct and identifiable which are:

  • Advertising
  • Film and electronic Media
  • Electronics
  • Information Technology
  • Telecommunications

The sector is anchored by the role of unified communications and the integration of telecommunications, computers as well as necessary enterprise software, middleware storage and audio visual systems.

The MICT sector is currently made up of 30 727 companies spread across the five sub-sectors. The Information Technology sub-sector is the largest sub-sector, accounting for 48% of employers. Telecommunications is the second largest at 17%, whilst Electronics and Advertising are tied third at 12% each. The sub-sector that accounts for the least number of employers in the MICT sector is Film and Electronic media at 9%.

More than half of the employers are located within the Gauteng province (61%) followed by Western Cape (17%) and KwaZulu-Natal (11%). The Gauteng province hosts just under two thirds of the country’s ICT employers (60%). The less industrialised provinces predominantly host small employers.

The sub-sectors are wide-ranging, they are nevertheless interconnected.  The sector can be disaggregated into Information Communication Technologies (ICT) producing activities and ICT using activities. It is located on the convergence between content, commerce, community and the tools that support them.

There are currently 2 285 983 employees in the sector. Across all subsectors, across the provinces. The province with the largest number of employees is Gauteng (53.1%), followed by KwaZulu-Natal (20.7%) and the Western Cape (16%). These three provinces account for nearly 90% of all employees. The highest proportion of people employed in the sector are African (43, 5%), followed by White (33, 3%). These two race categories make up 76, 8% of the total employees in the MICT sector.


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