Philips South Africa Commercial
During the 2017/2018 financial year, 15 remarkable interns participated in various internship programmes at Philips South Africa Commercial. The interns acquired significant knowledge, skills and experience, which will ultimately enable them to prosper in their prospective careers. The programme proved to be a success, as ten of the interns had the opportunity to complete a further learnership programme through Wits Business School focusing on leadership, ‘Unlocking Your Leadership Potential’.
“Philips is extremely pleased to have hosted the interns as they have added considerable value to the business during their time here,” a representative from Philips says. Eight of the 15 interns have been permanently absorbed into key strategic positions at Philips SA Commercial. The company says, “In the 2018/2019 financial year, we have taken on an additional 20 interns in an attempt to give back to society, enhance skills of young people and provide work exposure to talentedyoung people from our institutions of higher learning. We thank the MICT SETA for a value-adding partnership and look forward to future programmes with the SETA.”