Johannesburg, South Africa: 22 November 2021

For Immediate Release

The Media, Information and Communication Technologies Sector Education and Training Authority (MICT SETA) welcomed the announcement of the Auditor General’s 2020/2021 audit outcomes, which saw the SETA get a clean audit report for the seventh consecutive year. The clean audit was announced at a hybrid  Annual General Meeting (AGM) held earlier this month in accordance with clause 14(1) (3) of the MICT SETA Constitution where stakeholders within the media and ICT sectors were in attendance.

The meeting was chaired by Mr Simphiwe Thobela, Chairperson of the MICT SETA Accounting Authority, supported by the senior management team comprising of Acting Chief Executive Officer, Mr Matome Madibana and Chief Financial Officer, Ms Tiny Mokhabuki. The entire Accounting Authority of the MICT SETA was also present.

Programme Director and MICT SETA Board member, Mr Loyiso Tyira noted the evident phenomenon of the ‘new norm’, this being the second consecutive AGM edition where a 100-person capacity in venue attendance was applied because of Covid-19 regulations and protocols. Then proceeding with presentations and discussions, starting with the introduction of members of the Accounting Authority, statements from the Auditor General audit outcome, report on the Accounting Authority’s affairs, Chief Executive’s Overview, Annual Financial Statements for the  2020/2021 financial year, annual budget and annual business plan for the coming financial year.

Notably, the MICT SETA celebrated receiving yet another Unqualified Audit Opinion with no material findings, by the Auditor General South Africa, for the 2020/21 financial year. This demonstrates the sterling work of the Accounting Authority, governance structures, management team and employees that continue to ensure that the organisation complies with applicable legislation and delivers on its mandate. Mr Simphiwe Thobela remarked: “The clean audit report confirms our commitment to good governance and compliance with a clear focus on achieving the National Skills Development Strategy objectives”. The clean audit is also in line with the MICT SETA values of Excellence, Integrity and Accountability.

“This tradition of consistent clean governance by the MICT SETA dates through 7 years of producing reliable and credible financial statements that are free of material misstatements,” says MICT SETA ACEO, Matome Madibana.

The following resolutions were observed at the AGM:

  1. The current 2020/2021 Accounting Authority were retained to serve the remainder of their term.
  2. The Annual Performance Plan for 2021/2022 as approved by the Executive Authority was
  3. The Annual Budget as approved by the Executive Authority was also endorsed.
  4. The following key priorities were adopted:
         i) The Digital Strategy 2021-2023, which will propel the MICT SETA to new heights as a model for digitisation;
        ii) Improved Monitoring and Evaluation of grant recipients and the progress of beneficiary learners;
        iii) Improved collection of levies;
        iv) Better working relationships with all stakeholders; and
        v) Strengthening internal capacity in core departments.

To conclude, Ms Tiny Mokhabuki, Chief Financial Officer at the MICT SETA says: “We are really elated with the AGM proceedings, the clean audit outcome and how the financial results and plans were welcomed. Positive influence on the percentage increase of levy payers and a spike in learnership, internships and Work Integrated Learning Programme partnerships position the SETA on optimistic grounds.”
